Hi everyone!
Hi guys,
See attached flyer from a Step 1 prep company called Pastest. They are looking for people interesting in writing questions of a Step 1 question bank. They would pay you for this. Btw I was just reached out to by this company, I'm not receiving any kickback from them. Happy Academic Friday! Hey guys!
Just a heads for people who don’t look at Facebook, our schedules are available on One45. Click “My Rotations” on the right side to view your schedule. Hey guys!
As you all know, this Friday is Match Day. The envelopes will be opened at 12:00 pm preceded by a 10 second count down by Dr. Kaiser. This year the Class of 2018 SGA is organizing a balloon drop and is asking for our help. Filled balloons will be 217A/B. They are asking us to stop by 217 A/B around 11:50 pm and grab a couple balloons. We’ll watch from the second floor balcony and drop the balloons when Dr. Kaiser finishes his countdown. The administration also wanted to remind us to please not on the glass railing. Come help celebrate the 4th years on this exciting day! Brent Hi everyone!
Hope you all had a great break and have had a a good first few days back. Here is the description of the faculty award Dr. Sterling mentioned at our class meeting yesterday. "The Mary DeLeo Award is presented to a basic science faculty member who exhibits excellence in Basic Science teaching, as chosen by the Third Year Class." The past two winners are not eligible to be nominated this year:
Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance for your input! Brent -- Brent Halsey MD Candidate 2019 Lewis Katz School of Medicine 804-387-8948 FYI formal is now sold out. If you’re still interested you can sign up for the waitlist.
Stay safe in the snow! Brent ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sarah Schulte <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 4:29 PM Subject: Formal 2018 - SOLD OUT To: <[email protected]> We have officially reached 500 tickets based on those of you who have filled out the form. Everyone else who fills out the form from this point forward will be placed on a waiting list. For those of you who filled out the form and did NOT pay yet, you have until January 5th (11:59 PM) to do so (Venmo @templesga1). If not, we will give your spot to someone on the waiting list. Thanks! Giuliana, Destiny and SGA -- Sarah Schulte ENS, MC, USNR MS2, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Class of 2020 [email protected] (609) 439-2423 -- Brent Halsey MD Candidate 2019 Lewis Katz School of Medicine 804-387-8948 Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
The M2s are changing up the plans for formal this year. They are planning to have the event on the Spirit of Philadelphia and making it a river cruise. All the details are below. If you're interested please fill out their spreadsheet so they can get a sense about how many people would be coming. Brent ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sarah Schulte <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 8:20 PM Subject: FORMAL 2018 - sign up so we can get a head count! To: [email protected] Hi everyone! As you might have seen on Facebook, we are working to have formal on the Spirit of Philadelphia this year!!! (see photo below) The event will be held on Friday February 16, 2018 starting at 8 PM followed by a cruise down the Delaware River from 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM. The night will include full dinner, dessert, open bar, DJ and photographer. In order to be able to better price tickets, we need a tentative count of how many people are interested in coming. If a private party on a boat with all your closest med school friends sounds like fun, please fill out this spreadsheet. Thanks!! --Sarah Schulte ENS, MC, USNR MS2, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Class of 2020 [email protected] (609) 439-2423 Good morning,
Remember that the vertical classroom is this week, on the topic of Sexism in Medicine. If you are available please come and share your perspective with the M1s and M2s. See the time and location below for each session by college. Enjoy the first day of the second half of the year! Brent ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alex Gates <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 1:36 PM Subject: Vertical Classroom next week To: <[email protected]> Dear Class of 2019, Next week in Doctoring will consist of interactive “vertical classroom” sessions in full Doctoring Colleges (M1s-M4s), where we will discuss “Sexism in Medicine" as part of the Professionalism and Professional Formation Thread. There are three short readings to do ahead of time, and there will be a brief in-class writing assignment based on personal experiences. M3s, M4s, are invited to submit their responses to Dr. Douglas Reifler or Dr. Kathleen Giangiacomo. The goals are to raise our collective awareness of common forms of sexism that occur in medicine, to consider constructive ways to avoid perpetuating discrimination, and to brainstorm about how to respond when it occurs. College Meeting Day Room Time Babcock Tuesday 217 1PM Parkinson Tuesday 219 1PM Marks Wednesday 219 1PM Durant Wednesday 217 1PM Nelson Thursday 217 1PM Sherry Thursday 219 1PM -- Brent Halsey MD Candidate 2019 Lewis Katz School of Medicine 804-387-8948 Hi everyone! For anyone who has not seen the announcements, some M4s are organizing an LSKOM wide No Shave November charity fundraiser month. If you are interested in participating see the attached flyer. There will also a "mockstache" competition anyone without a Y chromosome who wants to participate! Brent ![]()
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April 2018
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