Happy December! (don't know how that happened)
You know the deal, see below for the events this week: Monday 12/3 - OWLs and HAWC Nutrition Talk w/ Dr. Prabhu MERB 105 (12-1) Tuesday 12/4 - SFC De-Stress Fest (aka therapy dogs, massages, free food, and more) SFC Lobby (11-2) Wednesday 12/5 - Free bagels at the SFC (7 AM - 9 AM) - ENT IG Otolaryngology 4th Year Panel MERB 319 C/D (12-1) - FIMRC TGPC Exploring the Roles of Health Care Workers Abroad Kresge Room C on 4th floor (12-1) - Sports Medicine IG Intro to Sports Medicine MERB 319 A/B (12-1) - Narrative Medicine talk Jefferey Stockbridge (Kensington photographer) MERB 219 (12-1) (see Mike Vitez’s original email for more info) Thursday 12/6 - Association of Women Surgeons Mentorship Program Luncheon MERB 217 (12-1) - HemeOnc IG Women in Surgical Oncology Career Panel MERB 342 (6 PM - 8 PM) Friday 12/7 - MSFC/OBIG IUD Insertion Workshop MERB 317 (12-1) This week's good news story is about NASA landing on Mars! If you missed it, read the NYTimes report here Thanks for reading! SGA
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November 2019
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