Save the Date: Nov 4th and 7th As part of community service week (November 2nd-7th), Temple Med will be organizing the Bethune Elementary Health Fair (November 4, 1-3 PM), assisting at community engagement sites (November 4, 1-4 PM) and finishing the week with the American Heart Association Walk (November 7th, 9 AM -12:30 PM). We're looking forward to a great week and getting as many students involved as possible. Stay tuned for more info Honor Board - MS1 Class SGA Elections/Speeches Monday 10/26/15, MERB 105, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. All first year students are encouraged to attend and vote for your classmates who are running for SGA! Institute for Healthcare Improvement - Introductory Meeting Monday 10/26/15, MERB 105, 5:00p.m.-6:00p.m. Please join us for our inaugural event as the IHI Open School Chapter of Temple University. The agenda will include: • A meet and greet among students in the areas of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and health administration; • A brief introduction to quality improvement and quality patient care by Dr. Susan Freeman, CMO of the Temple University Health System; and • An interactive discussion that highlights each institution’s respective efforts to improve patient care and how those efforts can be combined to improve quality for the North Philadelphia patient population. This is an opportunity to establish Chapter goals and objectives; generate local excitement for quality improvement, patient safety, and leadership; and network with individuals with shared interest. Pediatric Interest Group - Camp Boggy Creek Interest Meeting Tuesday 10/27/2015, MERB 217, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. This January, PIG will be taking its annual trip to Camp Boggy Creek in Orlando, Florida. Come find out about our all-expenses paid trip to the Sunshine State in the dead of winter! General Info-session on the ENT Specialty by Dr. Liu Wednesday 10/28/2015, MERB 305, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. On Wednesday, Oct. 28th, Dr. Liu will give a presentation on the ENT surgical specialty. In addition to his presentation, he will do a Q&A at the end of the session. ENT is an exciting specialty with very diverse sub specialties. With the highest average STEP1 score for admitted residents, it is better to learn more about this field earlier rather than later. TUSM Global Medical Brigades - Test Taking Strategies with Dr. Garg Wednesday 10/28/2015, Kresge A, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. On Wednesday at noon, Dr. Garg will be giving an encore performance of his Test Taking Strategies talk. Join us as he tells us how to game the system and reason your way through questions about that weird syndrome you've never heard of in your life. Lunch with the Deans Thursday, October 29 12 noon – 1pm 219 MERB Lunch will be served! Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend! Student National Medical Association - Lunchtime Talk with Dr. Savior Friday 10/30/2015, MERB 217, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. Join SNMA for a lunchtime talk with Dr. Savior, a medical oncologist at Temple Hospital. Lunch will be provided. An update from the Community Service Committee on the Fall Service Week: Fall Community Service Week is fast approaching, and we have some exciting events lined up. In lieu of doctoring the week of Nov. 2nd, students are expected to participate in at least one of the week's events, which include the Bethune Science & Health fair, community sites, and the American Heart Association's Heart Walk. Please refer to the descriptions and links below for more information and submit your preference through the Fall Community Engagement Form once you've logged into your Temple email account. Questions can be sent to: [email protected]. Thank you for your commitment to helping the community. Service Week November 2nd to November 7th, 2015 Wednesday, Nov. 4th: Bethune and Community Engagement sites 1) Bethune Elementary School is holding an exciting Science and Health Fair in collaboration with Temple medical students! Bethune students will showcase their science experiments, and Temple Medicine student organizations in return will present health literacy exhibits to educate their younger counterparts. We are hoping for involvement from the Temple community to help make the experience for the students at Bethune as exciting as possible! We want to get the students excited about science, health, and the exciting opportunities that Temple University would have to offer them in their future. 2)Community Engagement sites include SHARE, HERO, and Habitat for Humanities Thursday, Nov. 5th: SHARE will accommodate 18 students for those who cannot make Wednesday. Saturday, Nov 7th American Heart Association Walk @ Citizens Bank park, 9:30AM-12:30 Walk and support efforts against heart disease and stroke, conditions which unfortunately find their way into every family and field of medicine. They'll have a life size heart exhibit (great review for M1 & M2's) and activities for younger kids (Sportacus & Stephanie from Sprout's Lazy Town, Heart Hero capes that look awesome, and a Kid's dash). Even if you don't plan on attending, please share the team page and send emails to raise awareness. Please sign up at: Click "Join Team" on the right of your window, and follow the instructions. Fall Community Engagement Descriptions: Fall Community Engagement Form: Sincerely, SGA Community Service Committee" Classifieds: Books for sale Goljan rapid review pathology- new! $25 usmle step 1 secrets- like new! $15 email: [email protected] PM&R interest group leaders wanted! Are you interested in starting a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation student interest group? A PGY-4 resident here at Temple Main is willing to help you do so! Don't know what PM & R is? Check out the link below to gather some information and gauge your interest. Contact Tony Cuneo : [email protected] about starting the interest group or with any questions about PM & R If you have an event and description you would like to have included in the Weekly Announcements, please fill out the form under "Event Submission Form" on the Navigation Bar.
If you would like to have a classified ad included (Room for rent, books for sale etc.), please email [email protected]. Questions regarding your room request, the announcements or any general questions with respect to SGA can be directed to my school email: [email protected] -David Ianacone SGA Secretary
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